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Looking for a way to power your LNB without a mess of wires? Our universal bias tee multiplexer (“Mux Tee”) can help. This compact and versatile device is one of our bestselling products – for good reason. Not only does it insert DC current and 10 MHz reference on to the L-band signal without an extra cable, it comes with many different options that have solved a wide range of problems our customers have faced over the years.

Do you have a specific challenge that might be solved with a universal bias tee? Explore 21 different ways our Mux Tee has been used so far.

1) MT – Basic Bias Tee Multiplexer (MT25-NNBS)

When you have a long cable run and the modem doesn’t have enough power available to power the LNB – or when you require better phase noise for a high order modcod – you can insert a very clean, low phase noise 10 MHz reference and a very low PSRR DC power source to your LNB for a clearer signal. This typically improves the receive EVM for the demodulator, which in turn will give you better BER or more rain fade margin.

MT – Basic Bias Tee Multiplexer (MT25-NNBS)

2) MT – Wideband Bias Tee Multiplexer (MT25-NNBS-3.5)

The Wideband Mux Tee is a basic Mux Tee tuned for L-band passband of 950 MHz to 3.5 GHz. Low loss and high return loss across the full band for your wideband applications.

MT – Wideband Bias Tee Multiplexer (MT25-NNBS-3.5)

3) TT – Thru Tee for 10 MHz (up to 4 amps) (TT40-NNBP)

Insert DC for your low power BUC (up to 4.0 amps), while passing through the 10 MHz reference from your modem through to the BUC. Use the Thru Tee when your BUC can be powered via coax but your modem cannot provide the current required.

TT – Thru Tee for 10 MHz (up to 4 amps) (TT40-NNBP)

4) RET – Reference Extractor Tee (RET25-NNBS)

For cases where you want to send a 10 MHz reference via coax from inside out to the antenna, but the BUC or equipment at the antenna requires the reference on a separate input. The Reference Extractor Tee will pass the DC and L-band through and extract the 10 MHz.

RET – Reference Extractor Tee (RET25-NNBS)

5) DET – DC Extractor Tee (DET25-NNBP)

The DC Extractor Tee can be used when you want to feed DC and 10 MHz on the L-band IFL to the LNB – but you also need DC to power other electronics at the antenna. This device allows you to tap off DC power while allowing clean power and the 10 MHz reference through to the LNB, without affecting the L-band through signal.

DET – DC Extractor Tee (DET25-NNBP)

6) DET10 – DC Extractor/Backup Tee (DET10-NNBB)

The DET10 is like the DET25 however it also delivers a diode “OR” input of DC. This allows you to provide backup power for an LNB, while using the line power or the backup power get through to both the LNB and the additional equipment.

DET10 – DC Extractor/Backup Tee (DET10-NNBB)

7) DCT – DC Thru Tee (DCT25-NNPS)

You can use the DC Thru Tee for cases where DC power from the modem is used to power the LNB – and where an external 10 MHz reference is used to minimize phase noise from the LNB. The DCT is most valuable when the LNB is voltage-switched and is being controlled by the modem.

DCT – DC Thru Tee (DCT25-NNPS)

8) LET – L-Band Extractor Tee (LET25-NNPN)

The L-Band Extractor Tee is a good device to keep in your toolkit when doing site visits. The LET is inserted in-line with the LNB at the antenna. It keeps the LNB powered and with reference from the modem – but extracts the L-band so you can plug in a handheld spectrum analyzer to monitor the signal being received. This device is useful for peaking antennas or troubleshooting an installation.

LET – L-Band Extractor Tee (LET25-NNPN)

9) DMT – Digital Mux Tee (DMT-NNBS)

The “Digital” Mux Tee allows you to insert a wideband digital signal, such as an Ethernet 10Base2 signal, onto a cable, for example, between the antenna and the indoor communications equipment. This device is very useful for passing IP-based traffic via the existing satellite receive cables – without the need for running a new cable run for Ethernet communications.

DMT – Digital Mux Tee (DMT-NNBS)

10) DTD25 – DC Thru Diplexer Tee (DTD25-NNPS)

Your modem supplies the DC but either doesn’t supply the 10 MHz or its 10 MHz source isn’t of the quality required. The DC Thru Diplexer Tee will inject a 10 MHz source (J-4) but let the DC pass through from the modem – which is very useful with voltage controlled LNBs.

DTD25 – DC Thru Diplexer Tee (DTD25-NNPS)

11) DTT25 – DC and Tone Thru Tee (DTT25-NNBP)

This Mux Tee is the best device to use when you want to control a tone and voltage controlled LNB from a modem, but you require an external reference that has better phase noise or stability than is provided by the modem. With the DTT25, a high-quality reference can be inserted into the coax going to the LNB at the antenna while passing the DC and tones.

DTT25 – DC and Tone Thru Tee (DTT25-NNBP)

12) RPT – Redundant Power Tee (RPT10-NNBB)

The Redundant Power Tee is a 10 MHz passing Thru Tee with two DC inputs that are diode “OR’d” onto the LNB output port. This allows you to have redundant power supplying the LNB. Also, because the power is OR’d, if one of the power supplies fails the other automatically takes over. Replacing the failed power supply with the system live can also be done – and will not cause a hit on the LNB or the through signal.

RPT – Redundant Power Tee (RPT10-NNBB)

13) TMT – Test Mux Tee

The Test Mux Tee is a Thru Tee that passes the L-band signal plus the DC and 10 MHz reference. The TMT samples the DC and 10 MHz, allowing you to monitor their presence and verify that they’re getting to the LNB.

TMT – Test Mux Tee

14) TT60 – Insert DC for a Medium Power BUC (up to 6 amps) (TT60-NNBP)

The TT60 is a high-power version of the Thru Tee. It has much larger inductors to handle the higher current and therefore is in a larger chassis. Use this Tee when powering BUCs that require up to 6 amps of current and operating in TDMA or burst modes.

TT60 – Insert DC for a Medium Power BUC (up to 6 amps) (TT60-NNBP)

15) SM

The SM option is for cases where you have space restrictions and require a smaller case. The SM version’s overall dimensions are 2.0*2.55*0.82 inches (plus length of connectors).


16) Mini

The mini version is for when you have even tighter space requirements. The mini comes in POPT format with integrated 10 MHz OCXO reference and an MT25-SSSS Mux Tee all in a 1.2*2.2*1.34 inch case.


17) MT40- FNBS – 75 Ohm BUC to 50 Ohm Modem

Most of the Mux Tees that Orbital ships are basic 50 Ohms in and 50 Ohms out. However, when you have a 75 Ohm BUC and a 50 Ohm modem, you can use a MT40-FNBS to insert 10 MHz and DC onto the cable to the BUC and have a good VSWR match for both the BUC and the modem.

MT40-FNBS-75 Ohm BUC to 50 Ohm Modem

18) MT25- NFBS – 50 Ohm LNB to 75 Ohm Modem

Another situation we see is when you have a 75 Ohm modem and want to use a 50 Ohm LNB on a fairly long cable run. With an MT25-NFBS, you can get good impedance matches for both the LNB and the modem – and insert a solid 10 MHz reference and clean DC for your LNB.

MT25-NFBS-50 Ohm LNB to 75 Ohm Modem

19) MT40- FFBS – 75 Ohm BUC to 75 Ohm Modem

When you have a 75 Ohm BUC and a 75 Ohm modem, and you need to have a high quality/low phase noise 10 MHz reference for the BUC and clean power up to 4 amps – our MT40-FFBS is the Mux Tee for you.

MT40-FFBS-75 Ohm BUC to 75 Ohm Modem

20) POP – Precision Oscillator Multiplexer Tee (POP25-BSBS -NNBS)

This popular option is a stacked 10 MHz precision oscillator system with an ultra-low phase noise OCXO that is stable and has low aging – combined with a Mux Tee for inserting the 10 MHz reference and a port to also insert your low PSRR DC for your LNB.

POP – Precision Oscillator Multiplexer Tee (POP25-BSBS -NNBS)

21) PODM – Precision Oscillator Dual Mux Tee (PODM-NNBS-BSBS-NNBS-AM)

For a compact kit to provide DC and 10 MHz to both an LNB and a BUC, the Precision OCXO Dual Mux Tee stack is the way to go. It includes a POS precision OCXO that has dual outputs that can feed both the Mux for the LNB and the Mux for the BUC. In addition, the DC that powers the OCXO can loop through the POS case and into the LNB Mux to power the LNB. Orbital supplies a cable kit to connect the two POS connections and the DC loop-through. A separate 24 or 48-volt power supply can be used to power the BUC.

PODM – Precision Oscillator Dual Mux Tee

As you can see, variations of our Mux Tee have been used to solve 21 different problems – and counting. Don’t see your use case here? Contact us to chat – we can build a version that meets your needs.

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