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Combiners, Dividers & Control Systems

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Combiners are assemblies that take multiple L-band signals and integrate them into a single L-band signal that is then multiplexed onto the IFL line.  Conventional L-band dividers do not handle DC power or 10 MHz.  We have developed a solution that de-multiplexes, combines L-band only, passes around 10 MHz and DC, then re-multiplexes them onto the IFL line.

2 Way Combiner
Use 10 MHz from one of the modems and inserting high power DC to the BUC.

2 Way Combiner 2
Passing around both the 10 MHz reference and DC power from one of a pair of modems, while combining the L-band signals to feed a BUC.

2 Way Combiner with Master Oscillator
If you don’t have enough DC power, and you don’t have a good enough 10 MHz reference from your modem, you can turn them off. Insert DC from a separate power supply, and use a Master Oscillator to discipline your BUC.

2 Way Combiner with Precision Oscillator
If you don’t have enough DC power, and you really need an even more precise 10 MHz reference for your system, you can turn off the DC and 10 MHz from your modem.  Insert DC from a separate power supply, and use a Precision Oscillator to discipline your BUC.

2-Port L-Band Combiner (or Divider)
Combines (or Divides) Two L-Band signals while passing DC and 10 MHz. Can be used as a Combiner or Divider. Labelled as a Combiner. Simply use an LNB instead of a BUC and it automatically works as a Divider. The 10 MHz & DC are extracted from the modem so that only the L-Band is combined. The 10 MHz & DC are added back into the L-Band combined signals. The DC jumper can be removed if you want to insert your own DC. Simply connect J-1 to the modem with the 10 MHz & DC signals, J-6 to the modem with only L-Band, and J-8 to the BUC and the system is good to go.

4 Way Combiner
Use the DC power and 10 MHz signals from of your four modems, and pass them around your Combiner.  Combine the L-band signals and re-insert the DC power and 10 MHz.

4 Way Combiner with Hi power DC
Use the DC power and 10 MHz signals from of your four modems, and pass them around your Combiner.  Combine the L-band signals and re-insert the hi power DC and 10 MHz.

4 Way Combiner with Master Oscillator
Use the DC power and 10 MHz signals from of your four modems, and pass them around your Combiner.  Combine the L-band signals and re-insert the hi-power DC and 10 MHz.


Dividers are L-band-only devices that take a signal from a BDC or LNB, and distribute the signal to a number of receivers or modems. The IDU to the right consists of a pair of plates. The upper plate is a divider array, sending signals out to a set of receivers/modems. The bottom plate is an Orbital control system.

Control Systems

Orbital’s modular designs can also be used to build more complex systems. The components pictured to the right are from a Ku-band system that has redundant LNAs for both horizontal and vertical polarities, and redundant external reference BDCs for both high and low band.


Combiners are assemblies that take multiple L-band signals and integrate them into a single L-band signal that is then multiplexed onto the IFL line.

Conventional L-band dividers do not handle DC power or 10 MHz.

We have developed a solution that de-multiplexes, combines L-band only, passes around 10 MHz and Dc, then re-multiplexes them onto the IFL line.

For pricing options please call 604-419-8585 ext. 830 or contact us

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